Music DJ MiX

Let us help you grow your business through the web


Discover how MusicDJMix achieved 500% year on year growth in online traffic and a major leap in dowloading music

Achieved a Click Through Rate of 0.09% generating a number of new sales
In the first month of activity the Cost Per Action was reduced by 20%
Return on Investment of 272%
Social shares by network


 Few indexed pages in Google.


The search engine spider was not seeing the thousands of product pages on the site because of the way the database code and web site code were designed. With the complete website analysis and adding more optimized SEO content and changing the ON PAGE SEO now all pages are successfully indexed in google.Website has grown rapidly in the one of the most popular website for downloading music.


Drastically increasing in the traffic and number of users. In just a month website has 5.000 new users and the number is going higher every day.

120% More Profit

250% New Users

70% Increased VIsibility

From The Client

“I am very impressed with the quality of the links your team has gotten us! I know how hard it is to get links at that level and really appreciate your efforts. I'm looking forward to seeing their impact on my rankings over time! I really do appreciate what your team has done! Thanks.”

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